Dates Aired
- December 6, 1997
- March 7, 1998
- June 6, 1998
- September 5, 1998
Food of the Week
Moldy pita bread and pancakes in the shape of a teddy bear |
Lesson of the Day
When faced with a problem, use your creativity and imagination to help you solve it. |
Wacky Bacteria I Am the Eggman Al's Mailbag: Imaginary Friend All-4-One Directions
- Harvey wrestles Randy "Macho Man" Savage and wins.
Al and Harvey return from the Annual Cave-Dwellers Convention to
find that their stuff has all been stolen. Al's concerned because he
bragged about having his own TV show at the convention, and he wants
it to be a really good show. (They all said they'd watch.) But Al is
not sure how to do a show without his stuff.
Al turns to his imagination, calling forth his imaginary friend
Gilbert, making an origami "Barking Dog," and watching a Fatman cartoon. Then
All 4 One shows up, wearing Hawaiian shirts. They tell Al a guy is
selling them really cheap outside.
After they sing, the Hooded Avenger brings over a TV for Al to use
to channel surf. He surfs to a local "Cops" show, which shows police
finally stopping a van after a high-speed chase. The open the van and
all of Al's stuff is inside.
All of Al's stuff will be returned, so he's happy. Then the cave
dwellers call and say they loved the show and that they'll be watching
every week.
The Adventures of Fatman
Al is frying donuts on the sidewalk during a heat wave when an egg
beater flies from the sky. He senses evil, so he runs off to turn into
Fatman. Harvey is left to confront the enemy, the evil Egg Man, who
wants to turn the entire city into a giant omelotte.
Fatman returns and Harvey updates him. Fatman is up for the idea
until he discovers the omelotte will only be made of eggs, no ham,
onions, or any other toppings. Then he gets upset and throws all
his effort into preventing a boring omelotte from being made.
Fatman succeeds, but Egg Man is about to make his getaway when he
makes another bad egg pun. Harvey goes insane from all thebad jokes
and attack's Egg Man's flying egg beater. The vehicle crashes to the
ground and Egg Man is ticketed (for parking in a no parking zone) and
Memorable Lines
Al: But without my stuff, what am I? Just another cave-dwelling,
accordion-playing, hamster-loving, TV show host. What a cliche!
When the Hooded Avenger brings in Al's mail, on top was "The
Midnight Star" with the headline, "Incredible Frog Boy on the Loose."
(Thanks to
Rosemary K. Levy
for spotting that.)
Al: Hey! would you look at that! Those wacky bacteria have built
an entire metropolis! Look, there's a dry cleaners, and a mall, and a
video store, and a...Wait a minute! Can I destroy an entire
microscopically advanced civilation just to feed my face? Yeah, I guess
Egg Man: I am the Egg Man.
Walrus: Hnuh hnuh!
Egg Man: Oh and he's the Walrus.
Police chief: Goo goo ga joo!
Gilbert: Oh fine! Just ignore me! I'm imaginary!
Martha Quinn: If someone asks you for directions, stop. Think about
it for a moment, and if you don't know the best way for them to go,
smile and tell them cheerfully that you can't help them and they
should ask someone else. Giving someone directions that you're not
sure about, even if you're just trying to help, is a bad idea. Don't
be a hero. No directions are better than bad directions.
Plot and Review
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Plot coming soon.Review coming soon.